Billy McCarthy's Blog

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Fran made it

It's true no matter how young she looks here, Fran is 50. Friends gather in the hollow and partied right into the next day. she got some advice from a couple of sages, and even though she forgot about making a wish, she did, after a couple of tries get them out. The eats were wonderful and the cakes. Fran's friends had cooked a feast of Mecian treats, and did I mention the cake. Fran was over come with the presents that poured in all day, she got a little of everything. Lots of the guests were still sitting up right after 12 hours. Jane called up to Wildwood and spoke for a room for her older sister.


  • That is a nice red hat pa. Looked like a great party with lots of food and amazing artwork.

    By Blogger FrankieJ, at 7:15 AM  

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